

27 Mar 2021


Much of our Military and civilian way of life has its roots in indigenous native culture, ways and traditions, however, many never understand deeper beyond the iconography and media.

I respect, honor and support Native Indigenous people, ways and culture. When asked, we help with labor, transportation, logistical and other support, fundraising for events. In the past we have supported Indigenous walks and causes, Native Veteran healing circles, individual Native American people, with whom we share resources and comeraderie. I personally have received many blessings and healing, have learned much from many Native- Indigenous people, Tribes and communities throughout the US and Canada. When I'm given the opportunity to be of assistance, it's with great pleasure. I have attended walks for Salmon through the Cascade Mountains and along the shores and rivers of Washington and Oregon. I was treated like gold by the Tribal Nations, people and families. Nations and folk from The Nisqually tribe, Quinault Tribe, Shoal Water tribe, and many others provided great accomodations, and food, shared ceremony and prayers to fortify and bless us along the journey. I have had the honor of attending Pow Wows, walking and dancing in the Veterans circles, and shown great hospitality from the People of the Anishinaabe, the Ojibwe, Chippewa, and other related People of the region. Many have become great friends and visit me at my home when traveling to DC.

In 1988 while living in Takoma Park Maryland, a neighbor who is a Wampanoag tribe member from Massachusetts, introduced me to the Tayac- Piscataway Tribe. He took me to their SunDance ceremony, that the Lakota People had sanctioned to the Tayac-for a specific period of time. This was a life enriching and affirming event for me. Since then, over a thirty year period, I have had the honor of attending and participating in many ceremonies and events amongst the Piscataway Tyac family of maryland, always treated like gold, fully welcomed, and expected to participate with clearing brush, gathering firewood, outdoor kitchen work, moving supplies for food and anything else that is required to keep things orderly and operational for the greater good. With a myriad of ethnicities, nationalities, Native American folk from many tribes represented. All working as a team and human family, centerd around Native culture and traditions, yet embracing and welcoming folk and cultures from all over the world.

Over the years I have had the honor of meeting many other Tribal folk along the East Coast, attending and participating in Pow Wow, Native Veteran healing circles, nature, river and ocean adventures and realizing how beautifuly interconnected the culture is. Wampanoag, Narragansett, Mattakeeset, Shinecock, Montauk, Pequot, Mohican, Natick, Nipmuc, Lenape, and many others. All mentioned are of Algonquin culture and language and have deep connections to the water and maritime heritage. To be continued...

23 Mar 2021

Zen and the art of electric cycle mechanics

Black Cafe
Black Cafe

Zen and the art of electric cycle mechanics.

I've been building electric bicycles and cycles since 2015. As a veteran with service connected knee and back issues I find it therapeutic building and riding. My focus has been prototypes that are highly capable in various terrains and weather conditions, many of my designs are capable of handling steep mountain trails, heavy snow, as well as beach and low tide river conditions, shallow stream crossings. With range over 200 miles on some bikes. I've ridden thousands of miles in mountain, river and urban environments. Pack some gear on your bike or use a bike trailer behind you and head to your favorite mountain or river trail. Day trips are great, overnight camping areas are plentiful in the United States and Canada. Contact us if you're interested in joining us for any upcoming rides, or learning more about building your own highly capable electric bike or cycle, I encourage folk with mobility issues or disabilities who might be interested in either modifying their existing bikes or trikes or would like to build something from scratch to contact us, or if you just need advice on purchasing a bike or trike and need help navigating through the vast number of models available on the market today.We are planning on attending an electric mountain bike group ride in April, look out for more details.

Nick Thunder