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To the Sky to the Mountain Cloud Vista we salute.
To the Sky to the Mountain Cloud Vista we salute.

Connecting Veterans and Healers.

Warm greetings, dear adventurers.

I hope these notes find you well and leave you better.

We are committed to fostering wellness amongst our collective humanity. We achieve this with peer-to-peer sharing. We share methods and cultures that promote balance and well-being.

My current focus is tuning the warrior ethos to its healing frequency. Adventure fills the spirit; nature soothes the soul; ceremony rights the mind; songs the regenerator; dance is the catalyst; sustenance the foundation.

Peer-to-peer has been the most effective way I found to promote well-being. If there's something that gives you peace of mind and makes you healthier, sharing amongst friends is a powerful tool for change. Moreover, as our network of friends increases, so does the efficacy of the shared experiences, as you become increasingly likely to find others with similar needs and successes.

To Sergeant, with love. I remember the movie to Sir, with love.

Sergeant, translates from old Latin languages, meaning one who serves. Serves the people, nurtures, prepares the people. When those people are gathered together for the common good, they become Army. Originally, Army, was simply collective force. Not kinetic or military force, simply collective power of the whole focused as one, for preservation. We students of the Bagua, the Luo Shu, Taiji, Taeguki, Magic Square, I Ching, Lakshmi Yantra, Illm Al Rami, Odu, Medicine Wheel... We look at anecdotes from history and confirm this. One of my favorite lessons is the story of Wu, of Shia, a man of knowledge, of Geomancy. He utilized that knowledge and directed his people to dig canals and other strategies, diverting major flooding from engulfing their entire existence. This forecasting foresight, earned him the title and position of Emperor. When a Servant of the people became King, and the principles of the I Ching hexagram #7 are embodied, are implemented. Here is a great link.


 Many students of the Luo shu, Bagua, Taiji, Taeguki understand #5 as a powerful auspicious number. Number five is known by terms like five soil and Primal power. In the Bagua loshu, 5 is the center of the magic square, the center of the octagon.                                   




 Students of these disciplines know that the Loshu Bagua cycle is every nine years.

 We know that the lunar calendar, also known as the animal zodiac, or Chinese New Year, has a 12-year cycle. As a result, cycles of nine, and cycles of 12, are considered auspicious. Respectively, anniversaries of 9,18,27,36,45,54,63,72....and 12,24,36,48,60,72, etc... With 36,72,and 108 being Nexus points in time between the two strands. Both the 9-year and 12-year cycles are considered very karmic, with 36, 72, and 108 being double karmic years. The number 60 is also significant because it's five cycles of 12.

If we look back to 1950, we see that 1950 is one of those #5 years, the year that the Korean war began—1950, the year of the Golden Tiger, and the year of #5 soil- Primal power. Now, 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger and the year of #5 soil- Primal power. In 2022, 72 years later, we now have a war in Ukraine. If you look back at history, the world was in a very similar position. Once again the United States is supporting a fierce underdog.

 Let's step away from Korea for a moment, 1959, we see the first US military casualties in the war in Vietnam, just months after The Vietcong had developed the ho chi Minh trail. Again, we see that 9-year cycle, 1959, the year of number five soil. We fast forward nine years to January 31st, 1968, the first day of the lunar year, New Year's Day in the Vietnamese calendar, Known as Tet Nguyen Dan, infamously known as the beginning of the Tet offensive. By February of 1968, the Tet offensive was like a whole new war within a war. Primal power #5 was then and is once again center stage.

It's been 72 years since the start of the Korean war. Let's trace our steps and look back at those six cycles of 12 and their relationship to the beginning of the Korean war in 1950. We know that 1950 was the year of the golden tiger and that five cycles later, 60 years, 2010, was the year of the golden tiger again. That year, 2010, was also the year the North Korean forces attacked Yeonpyeong island; they killed several Republic of Korea military personnel, injured many civilians, and destroyed several civilian homes. Republic of Korea forces retaliated with over 80 artillery shells fired into North Korea. 

Here we are 12 years later; 2022, We are now in the same Tiger- #5 Soil, 72 year nexus as we were in 1950, and the North and South have exchanged fire again! 

Is this a blueprint? Is it a map?, Is it an opportunity? a lense? a compass? How is it read? 

Let's look at some of the players through the lens of the Bagua, the Taegukgi.

Like #5 soil Primal Power, #8 soil Mountain, is also very karmic, with revolution and change being its primary catalyst and energy. People born in these years are often the change makers and revolution bringers. Not always militarily, but sometimes by culture, nature, and microorganisms. The years of the #8 mountain are often our most profound years of change. 

Mountain is always associated with wealth, be it profit or loss; we see secrets of wealth within the mountain, ore, precious metals, and Stone. Mountain is the youngest son in the Bagua's order, so he remains childlike but can become brutish and very childish when off balance. 

Look back at a few years of the mountain: the 1929 stock market crash and the world economic collapse. 

1938, February 4th ( first day of the Bagua new year), Adolph Hitler takes full command of the German military. Later in 1938, the Germans invaded Austria, Poland, and Czech, building concentration camps. The evil perpetration of Kristallnacht against the Jewish people, their businesses, homes and property, causing death and economic disinfranchisement.

1974, it's the year of #8 again... And Richard Nixon happens to resign on August 8th, the 8th day of the 8th month in the year of #8... With an educated guess, I can confidently say he seems to have learned a few things about the Bagua when he opened up relations and visited China... I don't believe Lao-tzu or Confucius could have timed their exits better. 🤔

Fast forward a few decades and we get, Sept 2001-911. 9 years later, 2010, the Arab spring. 9 years after 2010; 2019-COVID 19... 

Here is a great link.

Nick Thunder